WiFi Password Decryptor 5 download


Using Wi-Fi Password Decryptor, you can recover lost or forgotten passwords for the effort to restore wireless network.

Decoding WiFi password

The softwareis foranyone who’slost or forgotten password Wifi Network fortheir.

This application scans the system and network forwireless theaccess key decrypts stored in the Configuration ManagerBespravadnytoegang Windows.

WiFi Password Decryptor supports several encryption algorithms, asWEP (64 and 128 bit), WPA, WPA2,TKIP and AES. After thePassword was approved, can be exported as anHTML file, TXT or XML.

One click to set your password

You can easily using the program: just start button click Restore inoch, WiFi Password Decryptor shows SSID network and recognized the password in clear text in HEX format.

perfect function

WiFi Password Decryptorbekerja perfectly in our tests, decryption and recover all passwords are stored in theWireless thePC network.

Theprogram performs alsabyatsanaprostaya was in use, the data can be exported that have been received, and is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7 and Vista, both 32 and 64 bit. Unfortunately, this doesn’tsupport Windows XP.

WiFi Password Decryptor 5

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